
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Need samwan....a friend??

Personally I don think im a good son to my mom, a good fren to others or even a good person myself....

Sampai sekarang Izz masih tercari2 sesuatu.  Teman untuk berkongsi hampir semua benda, cerita suka duka.  Is there samwan out there willing to be my fren with a real value of friendship??  Izz perlukan orang yang matang yang boleh bagi nasihat, pendapat dalam hampir apa saja. 



  1. a'laika salamun,

    at the end of the day,
    it will only b u n urself je kn?

    izz jgn tlalu lihat pada apa yg tiada,
    lihat apa yg ada,
    ada tangan boleh menulis,
    ada mata boleh menikmati keindahan,
    ada mulut yang bole meraikan kata-kata,

    then u wont feel lonely o in need of anything lg..

    fi aman Allah,

  2. kadang-kadang x perlu sangat utk terus bergantung pada org laen... just depend on yourself... sampai bila biz nk bergntung pada org laen.. nnti hakikatnya satu hari nnti akan sentiasa kembali keseorangan... NAMUN, x salah utk terus cuba menerima setiap insan yang kita ada...peace~~

  3. Heyy sayang. Why lah? I'm here for you bebeh.

  4. Izz, sometimes it's good to do some soul searching. To know who we are very deeply, love who we are accordingly and appreciate what we have around us. Plus, do a lot of prayers too. Once the innerself feels good and at peace, then it'll automatically projected towards outside, and we'll start appreciate everything around us.

    Nak cari friends, they're actually a lot around. Real world, cyberworld doesn't matter. The most important is honesty...

    Just my two cents... =)
    (I think by becoming 'followers' is also automatically become 'friends'? :D)

  5. @Mata Hati : bkn terLalu bergantung, tp kdg2 'sunyi' ....

  6. @IraBungaMelor : tp awak senyap je dah tak upDate ke?

  7. @Zamri A. : thanks dear...ur comment makes me feel ease...

  8. singgah sini..n i done following u blog..nice blog..jom follow me back..leh share info n kongsi kasih ;-)

  9. i can empathize with you on this.
    bukannya tidak menghargai apa yang ada
    bukannya satu pergantungan
    tapi ada kala sunyi itu menyelubungi segala
    dan kita perlukan seseorang yang mampu mengisi kesepian itu

  10. @Ri : yeap...u r right!! at least kamu faham pe Izz maksudkan :)

  11. hey Izz :) miss you kut.
    What happened lately? Are you okay?


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