
Thursday, September 3, 2009

a saD louVE stOry


iZz dPt kisah nie dr samwan

he tOld me abOut dis

iZz x tau sape dier

tp dier kate

ini resPon dier pabiLa die bacE bLog iZz akhir2 nie

mngkiN citer nie dier dpt dr org laen


x dpt dinaFikan citer nie mamPu mmbuat sesetengah insan yg mmpunyai pRasaan

merasa tersentUh di hati mereka

ini adalah kisah teladan yg harus difikirkan dan diingaTi

trutama mereka di luar sana yg sudah punya teman yg baek

jgnlah org2 trsayang diabaikan

jgnlah ditolak ketepi

mrk bukannya sampah yg tdk brniLai yg perLu dibuang

siapa tahu

satu haRi nnt

kite perLukan mrk

belajarlah erti brsyukur

jgn sudah punye kenangan yg baru

kenangan lama dilupakan sama sekaLi


'mereka yg mlupakan sejarah,akan mngulangi sejarah'

jika tidak diambiL berat mana mngkin kite mamPu teroskan hidOp

dgn brbekalLkan memOri barU

memOri lama perLu diimbas kembaLi


ini kisahnye


bOuT a coupLe


once upOn a tyme

there was a gurl named Mary

she was bLind


she hated herselF badLy

for bein' bLind

She hated everyOne



her bOyfren

because he was so louvely

he cared her wit all his might

he lOuved her untiL his last breathe

he swore to not to leaVe her even she was bLind

he was always there for her

...for Mary...

she said to him

if she could has eyes to see da world

she would marry him

her boyfriend smiled when he heard those words came from her mOuth


one day

samwan donated a pair of eyes to Mary


she could see everythin'

her wish came truE

she cOuld see da sky

she could see da sun

she could see a field of grass from da window next to her


she could see her boyfren clearly.....too

he asked her politely


touch her hand

'now u could see Mary!im hePi for will u marry me?'


Mary was shocked!

she was lookin' at a bLind guy

she was totally frightened

even she could recognised his voice

but she stilL refused to see him

she even refused to marry him

she said

'there's no way i would marry to a blind man like u!'

wit dat
he turned from her
n walked away with tears
one day
Mary received a letter
she read it
'Mary,when u tOld me dat u will marry me if u cud see wit ur eyes,i was so hepi,i cud feel ur loUve in my heart n i wont let u down, so i gAve u my eyes to see'

from : ur lOuve
to : my belOuved Mary
p/s : plez take care of my eyes


Mary burst into tears
she ran out n searched for him
she cudnt find him
she was so sad
she missed him
she knew dat she had make a very big mistake
she shudnt leave him
she shudnt break her boyfren's heart who louved her damn much
she liVed wit all da memories of her'S wit him
she saw da world wit his eyes
she died in a great pain of louVe
wit tears
in callin' for her missin' boyfren....

kisah nie sngguhpun direka tuk diambiL tauladan
sgt brerti kalau kite mampu ambil pngajarannye kan?
hargailah org yg trbukti sngat mnyayangi kite
jgn sia2kan chenta atau kasih sayang mereka
jgn biLe mrk dah tiada
baru kite nak cari dan trkejar2 bayang mrk
waktu itu
sudah trlambat
pnggiL sekuat mane nama mrk
tetap tiada jwpan
himpunlah stinggi mana pun emas di dunie ini
tetap mrk x kan bangkit tuk brtemu dgn kite
~yg ada biarlah dijage~
~yg disayangi troslah dikasihi~
~yg dchentai perlulah dihargai~
~yg sudah putus kasih jgnlah tros dpinggirkan~
krana maknusie mampu brubah apabila status mrk brubah
only a few will remember their life before n who always been there for them when they had a crucial situation


alL of u my louVe one
every moment sPent wit u
like a beautifuL dReam came tRue
my faV pLace waS inSide ur huG
wheRe itS warm n i founD peaCe in it
iZz louVe u!!
louVE me n we shalL see da sTarS in da daRkneSs of sky
wheRe they shinE bRightLy
iZz sgt mnyayangi kamoO semue dgn sgaLe pe yg iZz ade
bCoz diS is hOw i am
u mighT nOt b here
beSides me
u R always in my heart

[from : iZz LatiF]
[to : eveRyone i caRe n louVEd so much]
p/s : louVE me, bcoZ hOw i am....

blind love


  1. mary tu x tau eh yg mate tu bf dye yg derma ??

  2. ~erm~
    die tau..
    biLe bF die tuLis dLm surat tuh
    ...take caRe of my eyeS...

  3. owh..oke..bile dye dabace surat tu..baru dye tau kan..haha..paham..sori..agak blurr la mlm2 ni..

  4. story line ni agak popular..
    penah ade movie dlm version jepon english n hindu..

  5. ~yeap2~
    louVe stOry....
    stiap veRsion de additiOn die
    yg nie cam oRi ckit
    but yet,
    stilL touChin'...


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