Fans of Game of Thrones have been waiting since forever for
the final season and now it is here! The first episode kind of broke HBO’s
record in terms of viewership with an average of 17.4 million viewers, beating
the previous record holder Game of Thrones Season 7 finale with 16.9 million
viewers. Meletop! Ye lah the series has been on a long hiatus for taking the
time to shoot and prepare for the final season. Come to think of it I noticed I
cant help to admire the beauty of every short taken in the episode. Cantik woi!
Well-detailed and somehow boleh feel ‘Wow mahalnya shots ni semua’ macam tu.
This post contains spoilers so I warning korang kalau belum
tengok, jangan baca!
So, what did I expect for the 1st episode? Of
course I expected to see some dracarys-worthy scenes with dragon fire and all.
I do not believe that the Mother Dragon will hold back her dragons anymore
since this is the last season but it kind of let me down dalam hal ni lah. Well
I was tad too ambitious and the power hungry queen knows better lol. Game of
Thrones Season 8 episode 1 recap sees quite a number of reunions, slow-paced
story yang mana I think brilliant lah sebab they need this episode to lay down
the foundation of the story line, plot twists and all for the next episodes
lepas ni sampai lah the end.
One of my favourite reunions would be Arya-Jon since they
last met back in Season 1 before Jon went to The Wall untuk serve Night’s
Watch. Lama gila kot masa tu adik (ehermm cousin) dia tu masih kecik lagi. Then
Gendry-Arya alamak omeyyyyy diorang ni. But reunion yang paling ditunggu dah
tentu between Jaime and Bran like we all know how awkward would it be. Aha!
Then comes the march of the army of Daenerys Targaryen to
Winterfell. My first thought was ‘wadehekkk’ I mean I get it with the gloomy weather
and all and they are preparing for an incoming major war with the dead and not
even done with the fighting against Lannister pun yang still ongoing. But
still, the Northerners are far from welcoming and their reception is much more
colder than the winter itself.
Sansa: What do dragons eat, anyway?
Daenerys: *snaps* Whatever they want
Lepas tuuuuu……Sansa. Sis first of all you look stunning! I
will give you the credit while it is still due. Though I have wished for so
many times to see you die since kau menggedik nak sangat kahwin dengan Jeoffrey
muka penyek tu sampai melalak dekat bapak kau. Tapi kau punya muka kerek depan
THE QUEEN halamakkkk terus rasa nak sumbat kau dalam kotak Poslaju hantar kasi
dekat Cersei.
Here’s the thing, the people of the North dicanangkan sebagai
bangsa yang ‘sangat setia’ compared to the other kingdoms. Even sebelum ni
dorang ada raja sendiri yang duduk atas Iron Throne dekat King’s Landing but
they look up to their own leader more. In this case yang dimaksudkan ialah the
Starks. Sebab tu diorang berani angkat Jon as King of the North in the previous
season in a bid untuk memberontak against Cersei. Diorang sangat berhati2 dekat
orang luar they just don’t trust outsiders except their own. Okay I get it. So that’s
why they do not give Daenerys the kind of celebration that fits a queen. After
all, Daenerys is a Targaryen plus she did not grow up in any part of the kingdom
but nun jauh seberang laut sana. But remind me again please, didn’t their own
people betray the Starks when Robb was around? Didn’t the houses who proudly
remind everyone that they ‘have sworn fealty with the Starks for a thousand
years’ made a backdoor arrangement with Tywin Lannister that created the Red
Wedding? But you people forgot ah? Now only you want to spit all this protect
the North from outsiders shitz when you killed your own leader some time ago? Hurmmm……can’t

Sansa giving Daenerys the side eye
I can understand lah with Sansa’s frustration with Jon who
left the North to her to go meet Daenerys. But Jon keeps on telling her and the
other lords that it was the right thing to do. His reason is just to get some
help because they cant do it alone. He just wants to protect his people. Cant u
guys understand that and not think about all this title crap? Apa kau ingat
boleh menang dengan teriak ‘oH iM kInG oF tHe NoRtH!!’ waktu hayun pedang depan
muka the Night King and terus that guy pecah bersepai dan kalah? Gitu? Pffttttt
Sansa is smart but sorry Arya, not the smartest. My eyes
almost bled watching the scene where she ACTUALLY praises Sansa. Like, wutt? I really
hope the rivalry between Sansa and Daenerys will end soon and actually happen
for the greater good of their course. I mean they are two of the strongest
women characters left in the men-dominated world, besides Cersei of course. Olenna
Tyrell, probably the baddest bij ever in the series, is already gone. Plus we
have never seen a good cooperation/relation between two strong female leaders
in the series and we badly need one. Imagine if Sansa’s smart ass (kononnya
leulss) combines with Daenerys’s fiery will walaweii no one can get in between
them and Cersei will be roasted to death for sure lah.
I cant help but to think that the bad relationship (as for
now) between Daenerys and Sansa is so dull and unimaginative. Like you guys
really want to pit these two strong women characters against each other? Obviously
this must be the idea of men among their writers. Meh.
Drogon: The ferkkkk, you are kissing your auntie, man!